Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Birth of a Boy- 10 years in the making

I figured that I may as well share the story of Wiley and how he came to be.  It was a long, rough road to get him.

Growing up I knew that I wanted to be a mother someday.  I absolutely adored children, and they liked me too.  I couldn't wait to be holding my very own baby.  I had names picked out like every other little girl: Jimmy Rufus and Andrew Michael (after cabbage patch dolls).  I wanted two boys and a girl, the girl coming last so that her older brothers could protect her.

Just out of high school I met a man and ended up marrying (and later divorcing) him.  I started having problems with my periods.  Sometimes I would go months without one, sometimes I would have one  for months and months straight.  It was hell and no doctor could seem to figure it out.  After probably 4 years of this (and 4 miscarriages) it was determined that I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).  Back then PCOS was pretty rare.  It explained all the weight I gained and other symptoms I was having.  I was told that I would never have children.  The diagnosis came too late and my ovaries were pretty much shot.

I was devastated, though I tried to hide it.  I saw people all around me getting pregnant, having beautiful, healthy babies.  I wanted that for me so bad.  It was excruciating to see people close to me with their babies.  My heart was broken.

After my divorce I decided to get healthy.  I felt that no one would want me at 260 pounds.  So I worked very hard and lost almost a hundred pounds.  And I met Frank, the man of my dreams.

Shortly after we began our relationship I found out I was pregnant.  I was shocked!  Words cannot describe how shocked I was.  And I was so very happy.  The pregnancy was going great.  5 months in and I hadnt gained any weight and things looked great.

December 20, 2008 I was working my shift at the hospital.  I picked uo something heavy and immediately felt something running down my leg.  I ran to the bathroom and there was blood.  I was terrified.  I went downstairs to the OB floor and was admitted and diagnosed with incompetent cervix.  The D&Cs from my prior miscarriages made my cervix too week to hold in the pregnancy so the amniotic sac passed down through the cervix.  I was told that I would be spending at least 8 weeks in the hospital, laying in Trendelenburg position, until the baby was big enough to survive on its own.  I had an ultrasound and I got to see my little girl.  She was happily playing in my womb.  It gave me hope that the next 8 weeks would be worth it.

God had different plans.

At some point, I dont remember when now, my water broke.  The doctor told me that there was no hope of saving my baby girl.  I was in labor.  The next afternoon, December 21, my birthday, I delivered a 9 ounce little girl. Stillborn.  We named her Ava Annmarie.

I was crushed.  I felt like I would never survive the loss.  We buried her on Christmas Eve.  It was the absolute worst day of my life.  People think that because she was never alive outside the womb, that I didnt know her, so how could it be so upsetting.  But I lost my child.  I did know her.  For five months she grew inside of me.  There is no closer bond than that.

Eventually I learned to deal with the pain.  Frank and I got married.  Shortly after, I was pregnant again.  I was terrified.  At 16 weeks I had a cerclage placed to hold the pregnancy in. I was already dilated to 1cm at that point.  I basicaly was not allowed to do much of anything. 

At 20 weeks I had a 3D ultrasound.  We found out that we would be having a baby boy.  At 32 weeks he tried to come early, gave us a scare.  But he stayed in there.  On April 6 I went to my last doctors appointment before my due date.  My blood pressure was sky high so he decided to induce my labor.  April 7, 2010, I delivered my beautiful 7lb. 8oz. baby boy.  The BEST day of my life!

He is 10 months old now and I still cannot believe that he is mine.  I thank God every day for giving him to me.  Being a mother has been such a blessing.  I will never take advantage of this opportunitye I have been given. Never.  I love that little man more than anything in this world.  He has given me a new lease on life.

So there's the story of how my little man came to be.  Long and depressing, I know.  But I feel that the more I talk about it the better I feel.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I think I have read your story 5 times now. I am sorry that you had to go through such terrible things. But so happy that you got your son. <3<3<3
